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Educators and Youth Leaders

Library Visits and Assignments

Stillwater Public Library encourages, supports, and welcomes teachers and youth leaders!  Please read below to learn more about how we can help you and your students. The library tries to accommodate all requests by groups for library visits and activities, but without advanced notice, staff, space, materials or equipment may not be available. Stillwater Public Library is committed to creating an inclusive environment so all individuals can access and participate in the library.

Librarian Visits to Schools and Youth Groups

Library staff may be available to visit a group for a presentation at their site with advance notice. A minimum lead-time of three weeks is required. Complete the library visit request form.


Group Visits to Library

A scheduled group visit to the library may involve a presentation, a tour, or other activity with a staff member. Visits usually last between 30 – 45 minutes, with additional time for children to explore specific areas of the library. The nature of the visit, age of the children, and size of the group will determine the time frame.

The following guidelines apply to group library visits:

  • Complete the library visit request form to schedule a visit. A minimum lead time of three weeks is required. Visits are available on a first come, first served basis.
  • 30 children or less allow groups to have the best possible experience.
  • The group leader is expected to remain with their children at all times and is responsible for maintaining discipline and ensuring safety. A child/adult ratio of 10 to 1 is recommended for successful group visits.
  • The library building is accessible to people with disabilities. If a child requires special assistance, library staff will try to make reasonable accommodations with advance notice.
School Assignments

Staff members are better able to assist students with library-based assignments when we receive advanced notice. Share upcoming assignments and projects with us through the assignment alert form.

Customized Materials and Special Services

Due to the large number of patrons that we serve, we do not ordinarily set aside parts of our collection for groups. Teachers and youth leaders are encouraged to contact library staff to assist them in selecting materials or to find existing bibliographies or other resources.

Student Library Cards and Borrowing Information

Library staff cannot issue library cards during off-site staff visits. Although library cards CAN be issued as a component of in-person class visits to the Library, staff have found that cards issued without active engagement from a child’s parent/guardian are less likely to be utilized successfully by the child long-term. Additionally, a significant portion of the class visit must then be reserved for browsing the collection and checking out materials. With this in mind, we encourage teachers to send home information on library cards but not necessarily make them a central part of the visit. If you still choose to have your students register for cards, please read more about library card registration and borrowing information.

Databases and Research Tools

Stillwater Public Library provides access to a wide variety of licensed information databases and research tools. Access to these resources is free for library cardholders. Resources include online encyclopedias, magazine and newspaper indexes and full-text articles, special reports, primary source materials, images, and much more. These resources may be accessed and searched from computers located within the library building, or accessed remotely by library cardholders through the library website. Many of these resources are designed specifically for students and younger users.

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