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House and Building Histories

House & Building History Books

If you are new to house and building history research, you may wish to consult one of these general books on the topic:

House & Building History Links

Assistance With Your Search

The library is fortunate to have volunteers assisting in the St. Croix Collection. We encourage researchers working on family history, or house and building history, to arrange to visit when a volunteer is scheduled. Stillwater Public Library isn’t able to access legal records that may be valuable for your house or building history search such as deeds, abstracts, mortgage, land, or probate records. For this information, contact: Washington County, Property Records, and Tax Payer Services, (651) 430-6175. The county maintains several online databases of possible use to the researcher.

Wanted: House Photos and Information

Do you have a house in Stillwater? Do you have photographs of or written documents about your house? Stillwater Public Library would like to include your house history in our St. Croix Collection files. Your house doesn’t need to be “historical” or “old”. Any house is eligible. Please call 651-275-4338, or email if you are willing to share your information.