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In the Gallery: Lena Wolf Rothman & Spike Carlsen

July – August 2024:

Join us for a reception on Thursday, July 18 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM to celebrate the summer’s featured artists, local painter Lena Wolf Rothman and woodworker Spike Carlsen. Hear from the artists at 7 PM when they discuss Lena’s classic realism paintings and Spike’s wooden beings. This exhibit is on display in the library’s gallery through August.

Artist Lena Wolf Rothman
Lena Wolf Rothman is a MN artist trained in the classical, Dutch and Flemish techniques of painting and drawing. She studied at Atelier Lack with Stephen Gjertson and Richard Lack. More recently, Rothman studied with Jeff Hurinenko, a Dutch Flemish portrait and genre painter, Joseph Paquet, a plein air painter, and at the Florence Academy of Art.

For Rothman drawing and painting the human face and figure has always been a passion, and she often uses family and friends for subjects.

Rothman has exhibited at International Market Square, The Jewish Community Center of St. Paul, The Beard Gallery in Minneapolis, the Romanian Church of St. Paul, the Richeson Gallery, the Kelley Gallery and the St. Croix Artbarn. She is also a member of the Portrait Society of America, and the Pastel Society of America.


Artist Spike Carlsen
Spike has spent most of the past thirty years writing. He’s penned seven books and hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles; many focused on wood. And though writing and woodworking seem odd bedfellows, he insists both involve taking an assemblage of raw materials—wood or words—and shaping them into something greater than the parts; something that engages, inspires, amuses and/or educates.

Wooden Beings blend wood, people and tales together to create small enchanting figures that “speak.” Some portray an emotion, some celebrate a special person or event, some work hard at holding business cards or books—all are meant to be inspiring or memorable in some way. Many of his latest Wooden Beings have been commissioned, echoing a specific person or milestone. He’s made college professors, flautists, hikers and “Sisyphean” figures struggling to overcome obstacles. Art can do more than one thing.


Spike Carlsen's Wooden Beings