Twenty years ago, Stillwater Public Library became one of the founding contributors to the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) online collection of historical images. To celebrate this milestone, the library was invited to choose a favorite image for the MDL’s Contributor’s Choice exhibit. After reviewing nearly 4,000 images submitted from our St. Croix Collection, the library selected a photograph by Frederick Holcombe from 1901, depicting a lively street fair.
Holcombe’s photograph offers a fascinating glimpse into Stillwater’s past, capturing the vibrancy of the event, which attracted thousands of attendees. The fair featured musical performances, street dances, trapeze artists, tent shows, animal exhibits, and more. One of the most exciting spectacles was a daily balloon ascension, during which a lady balloonist soared into the sky before parachuting back to the ground. On one ascension, the performer landed in the water unable to swim but was quickly rescued by nearby boats. The fair concluded with a grand masked carnival, a fancy-dress parade, and a lively confetti battle, inviting everyone to join in the festivities.
Holcombe’s photograph not only captures the lively crowd but also provides a fascinating glimpse into the fashion and daily life of the time. The men are dressed in suits, women in dresses, and everyone is sporting hats and gloves, providing a stark contrast to modern attire at similar events. Many of the buildings visible in the photograph remain standing today, although they have since been remodeled and repurposed. The photograph also highlights the electric power and streetcar lines that were introduced in Stillwater in the late 1880s.
The significance of this image extends beyond its historical value. In 2023, inspired by the photograph, Cory Buettner, owner of Leo’s Grill and Malt Shop, recreated the 1901 street fair during Main Street’s construction closure, bringing the community together. The event’s success led to the continuation of the street fair in 2024, further highlighting how historical photos like Holcombe’s can inspire modern community-building and cultural preservation. Holcombe’s collection, now digitized and available through MDL, continues to preserve Stillwater’s rich history for future generations, helping the community stay connected to its past while shaping its future.